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Activity Rules
1、Activity time:{{ info.groupon.start_at }} ~ {{ info.groupon.end_at }}。
2、Validity period of the Group Buying:{{ info.groupon.expire_days * 24 }} hours。
3、Number of Group Buying:{{ info.groupon.need_count }}x。
Please Pay Attention
1、Teamwork process: Join/initiate a Group Buying and make a successful payment - Within the validity period, the number of team members meets the activity requirements - Group Buying succeeded!
2、If the number of participants cannot be met within the valid period, the group will fail, and the paid amount will be refunded in the original way.
3、The number of people required and the time of the event may vary among different products. Please pay attention to the rules of the event.
Altova FlowForce Server Workflow Engine Automation Tool Solution
Altova FlowForce Server is an exciting tool for automatically executing XML/XBRL processing tasks, data mapping, and data transformation. FlowForce Server provides comprehensive workflow management and control for dedicated high-speed servers, virtual machines running locally or in the cloud, and even regular workstations that scale according to task size.
FlowForce Server utilizes a web interface to easily implement, manage, and modify data conversion tasks in busy data processing environments. FlowForce Server can manage multiple conversion jobs simultaneously, allowing users to define and adjust various job triggers and operations in real-time, perform internal processing tasks such as moving output files or cleaning up intermediate work, and so on.
FlowForce Server continuously checks trigger conditions, initiates and monitors job execution, and records detailed logs of all activities.
FlowForce server highlights:
Cross platform support:
FlowForce Server Job
FlowForce Server Job is a task or series of tasks executed by a server. Homework can be very simple, such as moving files or sending emails, or performing multiple operations to execute complex workflows and passing the results (such as files) as parameters to other jobs. The homework consists of input parameters, steps, triggers, and other settings.
The steps define the actual operations that FlowForce Server Job needs to perform. In its simplest form, the job step is the operation of executing a function and reporting the success or failure results. Structures can be defined to execute job steps conditionally or cyclically. Due to the fact that a single step can perform a complete independent task, it can be nested. Homework can include the required number of steps and be executed in the defined order.
Official website:
Download Center:
Backup Download:N/A
Delivery time:Manual online processing
Operating platform:Windows
Interface language:Supports multilingual display.
Update instructions:Upgrades and updates can be made during the maintenance period of the purchased software.
Pre purchase trial:Free trial for 30 days before purchase.
How to receive the goods:After purchase, the activation information will be sent to the email address at the time of placing the order, and the corresponding product activation code can be viewed in the personal center, My Orders.
Number of devices:Depending on the authorized version purchased.
Replacing the computer:Depending on the authorized version purchased, you can contact customer service for more details.
Activation guidance:To be added.
License details:
reference material:
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